Tuesday, July 19, 2011

2011 New Years Resolutions - An Update!

About 7 months ago - in conjunction with the New Year 2011 I made some resolutions. I'm one of those people who usually says "I don't need to make a resolution - we should resolve to be better every day!" But that is a load of bull that translates into "I'm afraid to fail at whatever I think I should resolve so screw you and stop asking me!" So, I made some resolutions and wrote them down - in detail. Here they are:

In an effort to relax a little - apparently I'm high strung? - I have made some resolutions for life - or 2011...

1. Appreciate Matt. This seems easy enough, but for me its not. I'm always on this tangent about how much I do and how little he does and I voice it to him every chance I get. Unless I'm ignoring him of course. I know Matt works hard - very hard. He's so smart and successful and driven. I can't properly put into words how proud I am to be his wife and best friend. I think this feeling of "What the hell do you do around here?" should subside a little once I'm back at work and feeling less like a housekeeper/nanny. Hopefully it does. But until then, I'm going to try to let Matt know how much I love and appreciate all that he is. 

2. Be Present with Elizabeth and Addison. Another easy one right? Not really. With TV, iPhones, computers, housework and a million other things to distract me, I could easily spend 80% of our time together multitasking/ignoring my daughters. By no means are they neglected, but I don't want to go back to work thinking I wasted our year off together. Elizabeth had 100% of my focus, and so should Addison. I also can already hear myself saying "I remember when you were that small" so I want to be sure there is tons to remember. These beautiful ladies deserve it!

3. Stop Being "The Craft Nazi". I'm a type A and I'm a hoarder. Because of this, I can look over in the dining room and see 7 boxes of craft things and I know there are at least two more upstairs. So why do I ration the crafts? They are cheap and my kids are worth it. Stickers AND paint?? Go wild ladies!!

4. Wear New Socks. As noted above, the type A and hoarder in me has me stashing brand new/unworn socks in my drawer, only to be worn on special occasions. Visiting someone, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Why? Everyday is a super duper day right? So I'm busting out the bright white socks for no reason. The same rule will also apply to "Using the Yummy Soaps" and "Lighting the Smelly Candles". Hold onto your butts people. It's getting wild up in here.

5. Amber Time. I always feel like I'm being shafted, but I'm starting to think I'm the one shafting myself. Matt always says "Make plans and go out" and I never do. I always feel like I can't or shouldn't. Like once you start breeding your life should end. It shouldn't and it won't starting now. I'm going to do stuff and like it goddammit!!!

6. Get Back to the Weight I Want to Be. Doesn't every list of resolutions have to have this one? I also wanna be smokin' hot when I go back to work...me-ow!

And now for an update...

1. I've definitely started thanking Matt more for the things he does around here. He takes care of so many mundane chores that never cross my mind. Take tonight for example - yesterday he left for a business trip and put out the garbage for collection. Yesterday morning the garbage was collected and only tonight at 9:30pm did I actually put the bins back in the garage. And if it were up to me, the grass would probably never be cut and the little box never changed. A note to my cat...I will never be as committed to changing your litter box as Matt is. Keep this in mind in case you need to choose who you want to live with. I've also tried to keep in mind all of the invisible things he does for us because he loves us. Like coming home when he could just keep drivin' till he hits Mexico...

2. This was easy and became easier once the count down to back-to-work was on. I really did try to cram in as many fun outings and activities as we could. And now that I'm back at work I think I appreciate our mornings, evenings and weekends together more. 

3. I kicked this resolutions ass! Other than whatever we have packed away - the kids are free to use anything they want, whenever they want (supervision is always required because they can't be trusted not to eat glue). Boom!

4. Another ass kicking for you resolution #4! Being that its summer and we're a no socks kinda family, whenever I do wear socks I bust out the newbies! And today I smell like watermelon - yesterday it was strawberry! And get ready candles...baby I'm gonna light your fire! (As soon as my kids are sleep and won't try to touch the flame!)

5. Done - that was easy. But it can always be improved on too. Its easy to have grown up time right now because we're great friends with our "share-a-wall next door neighbors" so we can hang out at each others' places with baby monitors crackling away! My friend Lisa and I made an active effort to get out sans family and we did good until we were both at work. I'm gonna call that chick and plan something! 

6. Yeesh...this one was completed...I had lost 14lbs before going back to work (goal is 20lbs) but being that I'm a stress/emotional eater...the first few weeks back at work had me gaining a few (okay, okay...5) pounds. I'll be weighing in at Weight Watchers again this Thursday because I know I can get it back off. Maybe in the meantime I'll just refer to it as birth control? 

So, looking back I'm not doing all that bad right? I'm pretty proud of myself to be honest. I found it good to write them out so I could go back and see how I was coming along. Now, enough patting myself on the back - I have a phone call to make!

Thanks for stopping by!

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